The Green Alternative to Natural Gas Flaring
Natural Gas Onsite Neutralization
NGON helps producers reduce methane and CO2 emissions by capturing flare gas through environmentally friendly on-site mitigation services.
Our team of professionals has a proven track record of success in multiple facets of the oil and gas, cryptocurrency, and power generation industries. We work proactively with producers to solve project challenges.
We are passionate about our goals:
Being a recognized stakeholder in the oil and gas sector focused on improving operational efficiency
Achieving better community and regulatory relationships
Supporting and sustaining ESG strategies, programs, and performance
Our cross industry experience and operational history enable NGON to execute on this unique opportunity.
Natural Gas is often flared into the atmosphere as a by-product of crude oil production. Many areas have no logistically or economically feasible option to transport excess Natural Gas from production site to market. Even where infrastructure exists, transportation costs often render this option uneconomic.
Routine Flaring adds roughly 400 million metric tons of planet-warming CO2 emissions to the atmosphere annually. This natural resource is wasted. Government agencies are tightening regulation in order to reduce this by-product.*
Flared Natural Gas pollutes the atmosphere with emissions and adds to the carbon footprint. ESG investors are focused on a cleaner energy solution for new funding.
NGON captures flared natural gas and converts to usable onsite energy. Eliminating the need for takeaway capacity, that energy powers our mobile data centers for Bitcoin mining.
There is zero cost to store and transport Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a Commodity Asset with institutional demand, convertible to USD. NGON’s process creates an onsite, immediate marketplace for otherwise wasted natural gas.
We reduce emissions and enhance ESG strategies, programs and performance.
NGON designs, installs and operates modular facilities tailored to customer needs and scalable to accommodate any flare size.
Because GHG emissions, most notably carbon dioxide (CO2), are used as a key metric of environmental performance - the “E” in ESG - NGON creates a important ESG investment opportunity.
With the rise of the ‘responsible investment’ movement, consideration of ESG is seen increasingly as part of a corporate fiduciary duty to shareholders, in both the US and EU markets.
NGON’s business plan is intended to help both upstream and midstream energy companies reduce emissions and capture gas that would otherwise be flared (wasted) by converting it onsite to usable power. Our services aim to help producers satisfy the strict criteria to produce verified carbon emissions credits (“Environmental Factor”).
CO2 emissions
Local air emissions/spills
Water usage
Supply chain resource use
Board structure
Possible corruption
Labor rights/safety
Collusion/product pricing
Community rights/safety
Client data privacy
Client ethics
Selling to miners
In the last year, Colorado (2020) & New Mexico (2021) became the first two U.S. states to ban the routine flaring
In November 2020, the Texas Railroad Commission adopted rules requiring oil & gas operators to provide extensive information on their flaring practices when applying for new drilling permits.
In the 2021 Texas Legislative Session alone, 19 bills were introduced to reduce or eliminate the routine flaring of natural gas.
In 2021, both North Dakota and Wyoming enacted incentives to encourage the use natural gas, that would have otherwise been flared, to mine cryptocurrency
At the recent COP26 Climate Summit in Glasgow, Scotland, U.S. President Joe Biden announced that the U.S. would join 100 other countries to cut methane emissions by one-third by 2030.
On November 2, 2021, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) issued a proposed regulation that would extend the Clean Air Act to natural gas emissions from flaring and venting by operators for the first time ever.
Several large U.S. institutional inventors, including the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERs) - have announced that they will no longer invest in companies that engage in routine flaring.
The World Bank initiated a “Zero Routine Flaring by 2030” Initiative in 2015.
34 nations, including the United States, and 15 international development banks have endorsed the initiative.
9 oil companies have also endorsed the initiative.